
FestivalsFood & DrinkMusicStreet food reviewsThings to do in London

MySliceFest Pizza Festival: serving up hot slices of pure disappointment

31 July, 2016 — by Toni Ratcliff11


MySliceFest was billed as "London’s largest outdoor pizza festival - a music festival combined with some of the craziest pizzas imaginable." Sounds good huh? I've been to music festivals before. I've eaten pizza before. I think I've eaten pizza while listening to music before. But I've never... that's right... never... had pizza at a music festival before, so I was prepared for my mind to be blown!

CultMovie featuresMoviesMusic

How Giorgio Moroder saved Metropolis

2 May, 2016 — by Christopher Ratcliff0


Using a bizarro contemporary soundtrack, the inventor of electronic disco gave new life to silent cinema’s heavily mistreated classic.

Giorgio Moroder has achieved a great many things in his 73 years on Earth. He practically invented electronic music, pioneered synth disco (Donna Summer’s ‘I Feel Love’ being its electro-shocked jump-start), influenced the development of techno, scored some of the most defining films of the 80s including Flashdance, Scarface and that one with the big flying dog. He also grew the most knee-weakingly terrific moustache, won three Oscars and helped rescue and restore one of the single most important works of cinema, the Great-Granddaddy of dystopian dramas... the mighty Metropolis.