FrightFest enters its 17th year and presents another opportunity to once more sit in dark rooms and confront both our blackest fears and a lot of gloopy special FX
31 days of horrorHorrorMovie reviewsMovies
Bone Tomahawk – Movie Review
Bone Tomahawk is a pleasingly sardonic Western, laced with surprising amounts of humour and punctuated with moments of extreme gore.
HorrorMovie featuresMovie listsMovies
Three horror movies you probably missed because you’re too high brow
Here are some horror films that genuinely scared the crap out of me, but you might have missed because you were too busy watching a seven hour film about the fall of communism in an eastern European village.
31 days of horrorHorror
An American Werewolf in London (1981): Beware the moon
Celebrated critic Roger Ebert gave An American Werewolf in London a two star review upon its release, writing "Landis never seems very sure whether he’s making a comedy or a horror film", which seems a strange observation to me considering it’s surely perfectly possible that he intended to make both?
HorrorMovie reviewsMovies
Don’t Grow Up – Movie Review
Don't grow up, it's a trap! Blah, blah, blah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up, growing up is brilliant.
HorrorMovie reviewsMovies
Unfriended – Movie Review
What were you doing on the internet before you arrived here? Nothing wholesome I bet.
HorrorMovie reviewsMovies
When Animals Dream [Når dyrene drømmer] – Movie Review
When Animals Dream [Når dyrene drømmer] is essentially another werewolf as coming-of-age metaphor flick, although it takes itself far more seriously than other examples.
HorrorLondon film eventsMoviesThings to do in London
Best movies at Film4 FrightFest 2015
A stark drop in Zombies but an upsurge in Demons, low on distress and torture but high on tense pursuit and a huge focus on the independent scene across the globe - this year had a lot of awesome going for it.
HorrorMovie featuresMovie listsMovies
Three of the best CGI-free creature features
Instead of just bemoaning the advent of CGI I thought I would share with you my favourite three low budget creature features, none of which have a computer in sight.
HorrorLondon film eventsMoviesThings to do in London
Frightfest 2015: Gore and death in the heart of the city
On August bank holiday weekend, tool up, take a deep breath and plunge into the seething twatpile that is London in order to attend Frightfest and sit in the dark watching the weird, the gruesome and the really fucking weird.